We Work for Education Excellence across the Globe

The work described here was carried out by members of the TLI Team in various previous contexts, as consultants or employees, as follows:

  1. The entire TLI faculty were responsible for the work of the Master Teacher Program (MTP) at the African Leadership Academy, a program that was designed by Ric Campbell, founder and former dean of the Bard College Master of Arts in Teaching Program (Bard MAT), and MTP director from 2019-2023.
  2. Other highlighted work was designed and implemented by Ric Campbell using TLI principles and processes that were initially shaped in the design of the Bard MAT program and have continued to evolve in the context of work with practising teachers in many African nations, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, and the US.

Woodstock Day School

New York, USA

Teacher Leadership for Educational Excellence, 2019-2020


Lagos, Nigeria

ALforEducation Master Teacher Program 2019-2023


Kyangwali, Uganda

ALforEducation Master Teacher Program 2019-2023​


Bor, South Sudan

ALforEducation Master Teacher Program 2019-2023​


DR Congo

ALforEducation Master Teacher Program 2019-2023​


Constantin, Algeria

ALforEducation Master Teacher Program 2019-2023​


Dakar, Senegal

ALforEducation Master Teacher Program 2019-2023​

African Leadership Academy (ALA)

Johannesburg, South Africa

Addressing curriculum reform, teacher reflective practice, and high-quality teaching.


Harare, Zimbabwe

ALforEducation Master Teacher Program 2019-2023​

Woodstock Day School

New York, USA

Teacher Leadership for Educational Excellence, 2019-2020


Lagos, Nigeria

ALforEducation Master Teacher Program 2019-2023


Bor, South Sudan

ALforEducation Master Teacher Program 2019-2023​

African Leadership Academy (ALA)

Johannesburg, South Africa

Addressing curriculum reform, teacher reflective practice, and high-quality teaching.

Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte D’Ivoire, Mali, Mozambique, Senegal, South Africa, Zambia

Based on the design of the Master of Arts in Teaching Program at Bard College, this six month immersive online learning experience engaged teachers and instructional leaders across the Enko Network in the theory and practice of backwards curriculum design, teacher inquiry, and observation protocols to foster increased teacher agency in continuous professional development.

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Nigeria, Uganda, South Sudan, DR Congo, Zimbabwe, Senegal, Algeria

Members of the TLI team were responsible for the design, inception, and development of work with these seven schools from 2019-2023, under the auspices of the Master Teacher Program of the African Leadership Academy's AL for Education initiative. We continue to develop and expand this work as TLI, with a steady focus on building innovation in curriculum and classroom instruction through guided inquiry towards a self-sustaining community of teachers as researchers and agents of change.

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Lagos, Nigeria

This four-day, immersive workshop introduced the group of Teach for Nigeria coaches, who support the 300+ Fellows serving as public school teachers, to core TLI ideas and practices. The workshop focussed on the theory and practice of instructional design, classroom learning dynamics, and teacher reflective practice and enacted a model of learning for the coaches that solidified these practices through active learner participation. Learning by doing and reflecting.

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Saugerties, New York, USA

During the 2019-2020 school year, TLI faculty member Ric Campbell worked with 22 middle and high school teachers using the TLI model for advancing teaching and learning. Each teacher engaged in a guided teacher research or inquiry project that was also connected to professional evaluation.


Ric worked individually with teachers, meeting on a biweekly basis and visiting classrooms regularly He also planned and facilitated group workshops that offered the teachers opportunities to share their learning, develop new knowledge, and practise key skills in areas such as looking at student work, instructional design, and methods of assessment that promote growth in student and teacher learning. Fostering teacher leadership in the continuous improvement of student learning was the goal of this work.

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Johannesburg, South Africa

Over the course of four years beginning in July 2019, TLI faculty member Ric Campbell worked with teaching faculty and school leaders to address improvements in teaching, learning, and student outcomes. Ric was a regular presence on campus and online when not in residency. The work focussed on key elements of school improvement, leveraging Richard Elmore's concept of the instructional core. This meant engaging with a few key practices: 


  1. Purposeful planning using the backwards design model as articulated by Wiggins and McTighe.
  2. The use of assessment as a form of regular feedback to advance student and teacher learning.
  3. A practice of teacher research or inquiry as the defining context for professional development and evaluation, defined as the Professional Development Portfolio (PDP).

Ric worked with school leadership and department heads as well as individual teachers through sustained engagement. Fostering teacher leadership in the continuous improvement of student learning was the goal of this work.

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