Damilola is a proficient educator with a keen interest in instructional design and coaching and is dedicated to improving the quality of instructional practices for teachers, which in turn improves the quality of instructional delivery in classrooms. He began his career in language sciences and academia before moving into core education. He has worked across various education levels and sectors, including public, private, and corporate academics.
Damilola was a pioneering fellow of the Anzitsha Education Accelerator Master Teacher Program, which was an extension of the African Leadership for Education in South Africa. He is also an alumnus, a former contract coach, and a pioneering fellow at Teach for Nigeria. He is currently enaged as an Academics Program Manager in a government partnership program where he leads special academic programs.
Outside of his primary engagements, Damilola is a travel and landscape photographer, and an independent consultant with active engagements in organisation setup, training, curriculum design, and social and community development.
“The principal goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done.” — Jean Piaget