Emmanuel began his educational career as a Chemistry teacher who courageously challenged the status quo by going the extra mile to promote digital literacy and make learning meaningful through projects such as liquid soap production, paper bag making, and creating opportunities for the learners to make PowerPoint presentations among others. He later joined the 2-year long Teach For Uganda fellowship as a teacher leader working to improve the learning outcomes and life aspirations of learners in an under-resourced school. Through this fellowship, he improved the literacy and numeracy skills of grade 3 children using the Can’t Wait To Learn tool installed on digital learning tablets.
With effect from March 2022 up to date, Emmanuel has been working with African Leadership (AL) for Education’s Master Teacher Program supporting teachers to raise the rigor of the content, learn to ask higher-order thinking questions, improve upon their reflective practice, and to build learner-centered classrooms among others.
“It is virtually impossible for teachers to learn how to improve their practice if they can’t watch each other teach.” – Richard Elmore