Grace Amoka courageously transitioned from her engineering career to teaching following her passion for the education sector. Her commitment to challenging the status quo extends to breaking stereotypes associated with teaching. Grace firmly believes that teachers play pivotal roles as frontline influencers in shaping the education system.
Her vision is to empower teachers to recognize and embrace their competencies and become more confident in the invaluable contributions they make to the education system and beyond. She advocates for teachers to be more vocal about how transformation happens within classrooms worldwide, instead of ceding influence to louder voices lacking practical experience in authentic learning environments.
She accommodates other expressions as an award winning speaker, author, and counsellor. Through her signature program, “The Profitable Teacher,” Grace equips teachers to increase their income, impact, and influence.
Teaching is not rocket science. It is, in fact, far more complex and demanding work than rocket science. – Richard Elmore